439's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
2931416146 0h 0m00s    66.59%

439's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK7481   27.65%
Shottie71   24.23%
M60 MG53   18.09%
MM1 Grenade Launcher22   7.51%
Micro Uzi19   6.48%
M417   5.80%
Fire Nade13   4.44%
Sniper Rifle10   3.41%
Frag Nade6   2.05%
M4 Nade3   1.02%
Team Change2   0.68%
RPG Launcher2   0.68%
Knife Throw2   0.68%

439's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
lio45   15.36%
UnnamedPlayer29   9.90%
BOURNE-only kill CED17   5.80%
his girlfriend16   5.46%
d(o)pe'13   4.44%
killer pena12   4.10%
Gretka PL11   3.75%
hitman10   3.41%
Dgani9   3.07%
_WASKI_ SNP8   2.73%
PAWEL8   2.73%
hanilton368   2.73%
party hardcore8   2.73%
mr ?7   2.39%
the rich one7   2.39%
SEBASTIAN7   2.39%
innych6   2.05%
~[ impct. ]@suckage6   2.05%
TE401E1 JK6   2.05%
Delta Force5   1.71%
<[S-L-U]> 4   1.37%
884   1.37%
))ICED(( |Juice|Box|GEN|4   1.37%
>Hitman<4   1.37%
Rubain_144   1.37%