88's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
36217410178 0h 0m00s    66.30%

88's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74187   51.66%
Shottie138   38.12%
Fire Nade36   9.94%
Sniper Rifle6   1.66%
M44   1.10%
Knife1   0.28%
Team Change1   0.28%

88's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
-=P<S>E=-mashu18   4.97%
nazi15   4.14%
fight for your life14   3.87%
UnnamedPlayer13   3.59%
stijnfire112   3.31%
toon11   3.04%
Vampi Sapphy11   3.04%
ppp pl10   2.76%
innut8   2.21%
buutkamp8   2.21%
toni montana8   2.21%
fadi.arbian.!!8   2.21%
www.vatefairefoutre.fuckyou7   1.93%
Guts7   1.93%
mT7   1.93%
rozpierdalator7   1.93%
Lord Hero6   1.66%
amsterdam6   1.66%
]TIO]Aerny the big killer!6   1.66%
MT6   1.66%
AKO4_Turkish6   1.66%
Efir_Ups6   1.66%
mr slompy5   1.38%
ZwolleCity70025   1.38%
ribes5   1.38%