Aimbot Freak's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
176520124 1h 3m57s    77.19%

Aimbot Freak's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74164   93.18%
Shottie7   3.98%
M1911-A13   1.70%
Frag Nade2   1.14%
Team Change1   0.57%

Aimbot Freak's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
yoo bunren35   19.89%
b2w/ *Jets* [GnL]21   11.93%
Herbie18   10.23%
Siilver.' //#alp17   9.66%
*Sh@ke*11   6.25%
{-Mastermind-}11   6.25%
-=LwD=-Spo0k8   4.55%
Cell Junior8   4.55%
UnnamedPlayer7   3.98%
Dekz6   3.41%
LoGo'5   2.84%
ANGiEL PL4   2.27%
fancs4   2.27%
$money$4   2.27%
K@M!LQ*PL*4   2.27%
Riddick*Darkcrow3   1.70%
David3   1.70%
Do0m2   1.14%
GoS pro ak1   0.57%
Soup1   0.57%
-=.=-[B]ierGlas-=.=-1   0.57%
Florian1   0.57%
de[V]il1   0.57%