Angelus's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
313269368 4h 2m32s    50.65%

Angelus's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74149   47.60%
Frag Nade73   23.32%
Shottie61   19.49%
Sniper Rifle28   8.95%
Fire Nade22   7.03%
Team Change14   4.47%
M43   0.96%
Knife Throw2   0.64%
SOCOM2   0.64%
Shottie Butt2   0.64%
M1911-A1: Head Smash1   0.32%

Angelus's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
JaBa21   6.71%
Spidaninja14   4.47%
-_-14   4.47%
toon13   4.15%
UnnamedPlayer13   4.15%
Frederick Fantastic11   3.51%
n1ck10   3.19%
the killer9   2.88%
yyy Rambo yyy pl9   2.88%
The Unknown8   2.56%
$AV!K PL8   2.56%
BKLOUNGE238   2.56%
joey lol8   2.56%
KaKa_GrOx8   2.56%
Saint Doekoe8   2.56%
lio7   2.24%
MT7   2.24%
ApinaMapina7   2.24%
priem7   2.24%
Remco7   2.24%
Dgani6   1.92%
John6   1.92%
SexyKitty6   1.92%
LAG6   1.92%
gerdon5   1.60%