DaXy's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
11492220 1h 41m16s    50.00%

DaXy's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Shottie43   37.72%
AK7420   17.54%
Sniper Rifle15   13.16%
Fire Nade14   12.28%
M413   11.40%
M60 MG5   4.39%
M3A1 SMG4   3.51%
M4 Nade3   2.63%
Shottie Butt3   2.63%
Team Change3   2.63%
SOCOM2   1.75%
Frag Nade1   0.88%

DaXy's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
HUN18   15.79%
#,MtC=Tro0per17   14.91%
Sassy15   13.16%
ZkN DarKpoonAge ZkN13   11.40%
ICE COLD9   7.89%
MaRciNaToR9   7.89%
ass fucker7   6.14%
DMX7   6.14%
.4   3.51%
progamer kevin4   3.51%
olix-.y4   3.51%
Der Devil3   2.63%
PITUS1   0.88%
OlX1   0.88%
Tuntematon sotilas1   0.88%
JESSE048 THE BEST1   0.88%