Gaylord's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
29431126-43 3h 35m00s    46.59%

Gaylord's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74202   68.71%
Shottie56   19.05%
Fire Nade53   18.03%
Team Change6   2.04%
Frag Nade5   1.70%
Knife Throw3   1.02%

Gaylord's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
=SnIpeR=35   11.90%
sniper(EST) stiiv11   3.74%
Gunit___bXl10   3.40%
Riddick*Darkcrow9   3.06%
neo8   2.72%
SummerMan7   2.38%
Mariko Kurama7   2.38%
israel army6   2.04%
UnnamedPlayer6   2.04%
..krys PL]6   2.04%
fancs6   2.04%
[L]az[Y] [K]ille[R]6   2.04%
hxlxx6   2.04%
le-smockeur-fous6   2.04%
AngeL of Death6   2.04%
Meblake6   2.04%
fragget6   2.04%
fistuk5   1.70%
<---Drift [xplode]5   1.70%
sennu5   1.70%
./Ch4o$*5   1.70%
Bob LeBlond5   1.70%
Foxanator4   1.36%
yoo bunren4   1.36%
sniperman4   1.36%