Kameli's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
36071857-415 8h 29m42s    31.72%

Kameli's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74127   35.28%
Shottie116   32.22%
Fire Nade58   16.11%
Frag Nade38   10.56%
Team Change22   6.11%
M415   4.17%
Sniper Rifle13   3.61%
M4 Nade8   2.22%
Knife Throw7   1.94%
SOCOM7   1.94%
M60 MG6   1.67%
Knife3   0.83%
M3A1 SMG3   0.83%
SOCOM: Head Smash1   0.28%

Kameli's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
|_Abadz PL14   3.89%
))ICED(( elsniper SGT MJR13   3.61%
Golden Loreks8   2.22%
$ ==={dead(f)ace}=== $7   1.94%
(_-ScOrPiOn-[7   1.94%
.p [ i ] ll z7   1.94%
fancs7   1.94%
*Mr. Punish*7   1.94%
teaj=>6   1.67%
|- Dreamer -|6   1.67%
GoS SuperSn!per6   1.67%
Mattie!6   1.67%
UnnamedPlayer6   1.67%
blaaa6   1.67%
Sensei nY6   1.67%
Scarface6   1.67%
vanherpie5   1.39%
Formalproof5   1.39%
Alis5   1.39%
ofek5   1.39%
-[VolTz]- T3RRor5   1.39%
MR. $w33T5   1.39%
bertus-135   1.39%
Saffz!5   1.39%
WZK_PL5   1.39%