MadCatKen's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
10147549 1h 11m30s    66.01%

MadCatKen's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Sniper Rifle47   46.53%
Shottie39   38.61%
AK7411   10.89%
Frag Nade5   4.95%
Team Change2   1.98%
Fire Nade1   0.99%
Suicide1   0.99%
SOCOM1   0.99%
Shottie Butt1   0.99%

MadCatKen's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
mr.t15   14.85%
Herr Lewis14   13.86%
UNO10   9.90%
Fuck me up the arse plz10   9.90%
....CraZy....6   5.94%
YUI5   4.95%
WOEI5   4.95%
tatesan4   3.96%
_s*s_Sng4   3.96%
clikk4   3.96%
Dustie944   3.96%
[TOOS]Thunderlight[LDZ/RQT]3   2.97%
Siilver.' //#alp2   1.98%
sasuke2   1.98%
yoishi@syN2   1.98%
WaiMax1   0.99%
ido1   0.99%
Refugal1   0.99%