Mattie!'s Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
39142523-57 4h 35m14s    46.60%

Mattie!'s Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74269   68.80%
Shottie36   9.21%
M423   5.88%
Fire Nade18   4.60%
Sniper Rifle17   4.35%
Frag Nade14   3.58%
M3A1 SMG14   3.58%
M1911-A18   2.05%
M4 Nade4   1.02%
Frag Nade Rolled3   0.77%
Micro Uzi3   0.77%
Fire Nade Rolled3   0.77%
Team Change2   0.51%

Mattie!'s Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
[DBZ] ROI VEGETA19   4.86%
NIX15   3.84%
avi15   3.84%
UnnamedPlayer13   3.32%
Kameli13   3.32%
Player kaputeeni12   3.07%
[DbZ] SON GOHAN12   3.07%
your dad11   2.81%
...10   2.56%
-=(K)88=-Niccc_CooL10   2.56%
noobname10   2.56%
Guchiwo10   2.56%
!!!BerSerKer!!!9   2.30%
-=[K]88=-Birdman_jr*9   2.30%
{{Aplha 3.o}} CaMmALiNgO8   2.05%
Unnamed8   2.05%
Velorqc8   2.05%
YOKER7   1.79%
BoomG7   1.79%
shootordie7   1.79%
bertus-137   1.79%
machinegun ownt37   1.79%
kythyt6   1.53%
-=[K]88=- IronMan6   1.53%
H...6   1.53%