Rusty Asshole's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
14252387 1h 1m44s    72.08%

Rusty Asshole's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74121   85.21%
Frag Nade12   8.45%
Shottie11   7.75%
Team Change1   0.70%
M1911-A11   0.70%

Rusty Asshole's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Mr Name26   18.31%
{*=NAVY SEALs=*}Taka[1]23   16.20%
Lorre20   14.08%
matthew15   10.56%
Terrorlaura15   10.56%
Officer Baker14   9.86%
=Nuke=S][-][RKL.Sgt6   4.23%
Darkcaval6   4.23%
OuweCaas6   4.23%
Dutch_Fucker3   2.11%
Erko2   1.41%
xWakaWakax2   1.41%
*_*gamerswelpie*_*NL1   0.70%
AKO4_Turkish1   0.70%
www.poep.nl1   0.70%
fon1   0.70%