TORNADO's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
3471931153 2h 3m34s    64.14%

TORNADO's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74316   91.07%
Shottie21   6.05%
Fire Nade11   3.17%
Team Change6   1.73%

TORNADO's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
- KILLER PIG -21   6.05%
-ToM@$z->PL21   6.05%
]TIO]DeathZen[Cpl[20   5.76%
gilford3119   5.48%
israel army19   5.48%
undertaker17   4.90%
The GodFather13   3.75%
From China12   3.46%
Thijs12   3.46%
[KiS]KiLLeR11   3.17%
Ruri11   3.17%
ashus10   2.88%
Niels10   2.88%
(_-ScOrPiOn-[10   2.88%
vote obama bitches8   2.31%
darkangle8   2.31%
anjo negro7   2.02%
google6   1.73%
chuckles6   1.73%
IVO6   1.73%
TurkisH LegenD Sof25   1.44%
r e d -$-)(kill-$$5   1.44%
the snake5   1.44%
Misa5   1.44%
-=The Sandman=-5   1.44%