Thijs's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
26543818-191 0h 0m00s    36.75%

Thijs's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74124   46.79%
Micro Uzi53   20.00%
Shottie38   14.34%
Fire Nade26   9.81%
Sniper Rifle24   9.06%
Team Change7   2.64%
M44   1.51%
M4 Nade2   0.75%

Thijs's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
(_-ScOrPiOn-[14   5.28%
.......12   4.53%
UnnamedPlayer12   4.53%
Not.In.A.Good.Mood7   2.64%
CraZy6   2.26%
The Funnyman6   2.26%
Battleman6   2.26%
- KILLER PIG -5   1.89%
--=(Casall)=--5   1.89%
,sG! Robbie #L2K5   1.89%
seppy_035   1.89%
-ToM@$z->PL5   1.89%
sow5   1.89%
$$$$$$$==)(=sexy 0wn35   1.89%
Bilard925   1.89%
fistuk4   1.51%
aMatEurre<3<34   1.51%
SNAPSHOTT4   1.51%
69 la trick4   1.51%
Foxer14   1.51%
bremmer4   1.51%
yarin4   1.51%
<>Random<>Child<>4   1.51%
O-157x4   1.51%
<[DR]>117<[DR]>Legend4   1.51%