Twoja Stara's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
196102787 1h 31m25s    64.26%

Twoja Stara's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Shottie83   42.35%
Sniper Rifle44   22.45%
Fire Nade24   12.24%
AK7419   9.69%
M415   7.65%
M4 Nade5   2.55%
M1911-A15   2.55%
Knife Throw4   2.04%
Shottie Butt2   1.02%
Knife1   0.51%

Twoja Stara's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
terrorristje22   11.22%
`scat@ha16   8.16%
mike@fp14   7.14%
d(o)pe'13   6.63%
matin maha porno xD13   6.63%
Zzz...12   6.12%
*P*_Arczi_*E*11   5.61%
@fairplay10   5.10%
te--ku10   5.10%
arjantie10   5.10%
UnnamedPlayer9   4.59%
-{LG}- O.o'9   4.59%
S h a f t7   3.57%
Pawel pl6   3.06%
tha_stiefo5   2.55%
jok5   2.55%
xfire4   2.04%
Zdzisiek Bejzbolowiec4   2.04%
=Nuke=SHRKS.CplNRT3   1.53%
tracker3   1.53%
Deppo NL1   0.51%
fight for your life1   0.51%
R.S.T Lil Thugg**1   0.51%
-=[GEMO]=- Tunisiano1   0.51%
pingu1   0.51%