W.E.I's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
322278422 3h 35m04s    50.16%

W.E.I's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Shottie132   40.99%
AK7465   20.19%
Sniper Rifle64   19.88%
Fire Nade42   13.04%
Frag Nade35   10.87%
M48   2.48%
Knife Throw6   1.86%
Team Change4   1.24%
Knife2   0.62%
Shottie Butt2   0.62%
M4 Nade1   0.31%

W.E.I's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
-=sYnkroniZE=-18   5.59%
G][RLGunZ**ANGIE**17   5.28%
UnnamedPlayer13   4.04%
-boring- Ownage13   4.04%
-=[DBN]=- Mr.Mo LDR12   3.73%
Hinken10   3.11%
KillerCorp9   2.80%
Zubrov9   2.80%
))ICED(( 123abc PVT9   2.80%
cousins#98   2.48%
the one8   2.48%
pizzaboy8   2.48%
T Ray8   2.48%
[=Uchiha Clan=]8   2.48%
I Am Noob!!!7   2.17%
DQN@2ch6   1.86%
You fragged6   1.86%
DE@D6   1.86%
Alfred6   1.86%
WZK_PL6   1.86%
m!x5   1.55%
]TIO[ campske!! !23!5   1.55%
Alfred-=-gay-with-cancer5   1.55%
Metallica5   1.55%