fincs's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
3766854-313 6h 54m29s    35.31%

fincs's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74314   83.51%
M429   7.71%
Shottie20   5.32%
Team Change17   4.52%
M4 Nade4   1.06%
M3A1 SMG3   0.80%
Frag Nade Rolled2   0.53%
Frag Nade2   0.53%
Sniper Rifle2   0.53%
Flash Nade1   0.27%
AK74 Stab1   0.27%

fincs's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Anal Festival19   5.05%
yyy Rambo yyy pl18   4.79%
fancs14   3.72%
<>Random<>Child<>13   3.46%
-=(K)88=-Niccc_CooL12   3.19%
iynk10   2.66%
Bastard10   2.66%
BOSS TiZzZo10   2.66%
tony21410   2.66%
cdj10   2.66%
**JeLLe**9   2.39%
JB$oldier8   2.13%
levon7   1.86%
masterkiller7   1.86%
pon7   1.86%
SLAK7   1.86%
CraZy7   1.86%
killkore6   1.60%
|3lack |)eath6   1.60%
GaNgStA906   1.60%
UnnamedPlayer6   1.60%
kobra5   1.33%
Nobody (fin)5   1.33%
FlavoDavo5   1.33%
Ochinpo Festival5   1.33%