hagay's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
2701290141 1h 20m10s    67.67%

hagay's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74262   97.04%
Micro Uzi8   2.96%
Team Change4   1.48%

hagay's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
toni montana116   42.96%
gol.walala87   32.22%
Headshot from #SaSuKe#13   4.81%
LiL_gAnGsTa10   3.70%
jan30169   3.33%
zut zut8   2.96%
-=crazy*_*shot=-Ximamu---5   1.85%
Spesj5   1.85%
horiemon4   1.48%
pun3   1.11%
Spider Pig2   0.74%
*ZEUS*2   0.74%
s ar1   0.37%
THE WolfHond [Fin]1   0.37%
NOLLERdPlayer1   0.37%
mummi_far1   0.37%
zabujca1   0.37%
Hs from the HeLLDeViL1   0.37%