interfaCe`'s Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
323742247 2h 29m58s    80.95%

interfaCe`'s Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Shottie144   44.58%
AK74133   41.18%
Sniper Rifle16   4.95%
Fire Nade15   4.64%
Frag Nade8   2.48%
M45   1.55%
Team Change2   0.62%
Knife Throw2   0.62%
SOCOM1   0.31%

interfaCe`'s Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
sm{}{}K16   4.95%
Qol Stop!11   3.41%
Mifune Hatamoto11   3.41%
what's spring10   3.10%
presedent buch9   2.79%
niek9   2.79%
pang pang you dead9   2.79%
UnnamedPlayer8   2.48%
Al pacino8   2.48%
O-157x8   2.48%
Iraq7   2.17%
Replay7   2.17%
snapshot...7   2.17%
cinek7   2.17%
vicoo7   2.17%
big red6   1.86%
From China6   1.86%
Zangyman6   1.86%
gun1236   1.86%
cpt.randal6   1.86%
mopes one5   1.55%
Marasquinsaus5   1.55%
bagget5   1.55%
Zubrov5   1.55%