kazenohito's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
20930622-119 3h 8m32s    38.92%

kazenohito's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74100   47.85%
Knife Throw54   25.84%
Frag Nade37   17.70%
Shottie18   8.61%
Knife18   8.61%
Team Change6   2.87%
Smoke Nade2   0.96%

kazenohito's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Lioleus23   11.00%
raptor17   8.13%
UnnamedPlayer16   7.66%
Terrorlaura15   7.18%
toni montana15   7.18%
{-Mastermind-}10   4.78%
Viol3nce8   3.83%
*MeThe[)ra$*8   3.83%
ni hai hao ma?8   3.83%
the killer7   3.35%
-=The Bullet Of HellPain=-7   3.35%
cropp5   2.39%
2good4you4   1.91%
.a'TT'ax'4   1.91%
<---:]MerrY[:--->4   1.91%
{*=NAVY SEALs=*}Taka[1]4   1.91%
lmfao (*&*)die4   1.91%
S c a r F a c e I_'vL4   1.91%
fleebee3   1.44%
Misa3   1.44%
oguz3   1.44%
HilTi3   1.44%
Banaan3   1.44%
[ CraZy ]3   1.44%
-=The Bullet Of HeavenPain=-2   0.96%