metabo's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
18922057-88 2h 57m49s    40.56%

metabo's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74101   53.44%
Shottie54   28.57%
Team Change11   5.82%
SOCOM7   3.70%
Suicide6   3.17%
M3A1 SMG6   3.17%
Sniper Rifle5   2.65%
AK74 Stab5   2.65%
M44   2.12%
Knife Throw2   1.06%
M4 Nade2   1.06%
Frag Nade2   1.06%
M60 MG2   1.06%
Fire Nade1   0.53%
M1911-A11   0.53%
Knife1   0.53%

metabo's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Kingston106   56.08%
-=38   20.11%
iPod mini10   5.29%
UnnamedPlayer7   3.70%
Facedecul4   2.12%
Saint Doekoe4   2.12%
haitians 4 life3   1.59%
JaKiM3   1.59%
Peace3   1.59%
.. Gretka KsD .. [PL]2   1.06%
Nasa2   1.06%
<Nero>J.L2   1.06%
*=-=*K3Ahooligan*=-=*LDR*2   1.06%
<[S-L-U]> Bercik1   0.53%
Grox city (pl)1   0.53%
[OpFor] eL Von1   0.53%