prin's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
10458046 1h 21m11s    64.20%

prin's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK7451   49.04%
Shottie31   29.81%
M49   8.65%
Micro Uzi3   2.88%
Fire Nade3   2.88%
M4 Nade2   1.92%
Frag Nade2   1.92%
Team Change2   1.92%
Knife Throw1   0.96%
Sniper Rifle1   0.96%
M1911-A11   0.96%

prin's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
Groter vel schijtpapier8   7.69%
Lorre7   6.73%
Targonn7   6.73%
UnnamedPlayer7   6.73%
tee7   6.73%
Kitu6   5.77%
<O.o>sybrenne<O.o> XD6   5.77%
Killer6   5.77%
Niccc_CooL6   5.77%
kika poo6   5.77%
rey mysterio6   5.77%
shareef6   5.77%
Rambo5   4.81%
Lneid3   2.88%
kamikaze3   2.88%
.lordshifter2   1.92%
Bambino2   1.92%
Kalfy2   1.92%
norma2   1.92%
Joey2   1.92%
<---:]MerrY[:--->2   1.92%
marco !!!NL!!!1   0.96%
}{un K!NG RECRUIT1   0.96%
-=[R!se]=- Fable1   0.96%