teruaki's Player Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Skill Time Ratio
28035521-96 5h 59m50s    42.68%

teruaki's Favorite Weapons
Weapon# Kills Ratio of total Kills
AK74132   47.14%
Shottie86   30.71%
Sniper Rifle46   16.43%
M411   3.93%
Team Change5   1.79%
Fire Nade3   1.07%
Knife2   0.71%
M4 Nade2   0.71%
Knife Throw1   0.36%

teruaki's Favorite Targets
Victim# Kills Ratio of total Kills
' EmMr0w21   7.50%
=,MtC=DarkPo0ner18   6.43%
SP!KE17   6.07%
...13   4.64%
Yamazi Kaze9   3.21%
justin_the_killa9   3.21%
[NL] Hot'Chilli SDA*9   3.21%
N.E.D8   2.86%
flo8   2.86%
:.:SuriName.:7   2.50%
.uniQue.7   2.50%
EsPaNa6   2.14%
SavaGe Snipe.6   2.14%
K3VSTAR6   2.14%
Aldag6   2.14%
Kamil<>Pl5   1.79%
[DbZ] PICCOLO5   1.79%
progamer kevin5   1.79%
|_Abadz PL5   1.79%
CraZy5   1.79%
Slicer5   1.79%
shootordie5   1.79%
A Terrorist ....4   1.43%
England Rules U4   1.43%
_____-ajax-_____4   1.43%